Saturday, March 14, 2009

The beginning of the end. or something like that...

So in about 12 hours from now I will no longer be an Elkhorn employee. I will pack up my knives, hang up my jacket and leave. Am I sad? Not really. I'm looking forward to sleeping. To finishing my math. And to trying to get myself in shape. So my time will still be filled with general activities, though I won't have to drive 2 hours everyday to achieve it.
Will I miss my job? I will miss the people, the friendships I've made. and I will miss the money. Which brings me to my real topic. What do I do next? OK, so for the next 3 months I finish school, plan grad, and try to spend the least amount of money possible. Then what? That is the question.
I feel like I literally have a million possible choices. I could live with Jodi and work anywhere in Brandon, or I could work up at Clear Lake somewhere. And I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm on this path, the right path. But there are so many side trails that I could take, trails that aren't necessarily right, but they could be fun. You know?
So my question to you, dear reader(s) is this: What should I spend my summer doing? I will literally give the best/most helpful answer a prize.
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