Sunday, November 12, 2006

Too late

This is a news-flash for all of the male population except for Brad, Ethan and Ben. Your all too late. The lovely lennox ladies have been swept up and are taken! Well, not Nicole because she's only 5 and not a lady yet. lol so yeah, Lucky us! not so lucky for those of you who have liked us forever, but have been too shy to make a move. (and I know that your out there, somewhere) You've missed your chance. Your ship has sailed. Your cake is baked. (lol yeah i made that last one up)

3 thoughts from other misfits:

Allison said...

yea yur post is way better than mine. mine just sounds like i'm on crack. but yea i love it "yur cake is baked"
i'm so unbelievably excited!!!!!! lolse

B-Rad said...

So I was trying to think of an appropriate response but all I could think of was tough break for the other few billion males on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Lennox girls... or baked cake? I'm going with the cake.

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