Wednesday, December 20, 2006

is anyone else confused and slightly sticky?

1. Always land on their feet
2. have cool eye patches ... even if they have both eyes
3. have dice
4. have guns
5. pirates are not ordinary humans so they can kill ninjas!
6. have cool ships
7. have better swords then ninjas
8. are all around better then ninjas
9. have a lot of movies about them (way more then ninjas)
10. wear red on thursdays
11. have graduated from Pyro Pirate Academy of One-Eyed Peter!
12. polish their peg legs
13. say thinds like scally-wagger and scurvy-chap
14. Arrrrr! need i say more
15. pack a mean punch
16. always have the best snacks
17. will make you walk the plank if your not as cool as them
18. start all the major fashion trends
19. don't go crying to their mommies ... like ninjas
20. know how to handle a lady
22. have pretty cool boots
23. get all the tasty rum
24. have pretty good cursive
25. have more extended vocabualary then ninjas
26. are absolutley amazing!!!

lol see this proves that pirates are way better than ninjas jodi, you midget-hobbit-ninja

4 thoughts from other misfits:

Just A Girl said...

you're just jealous that i can remove my shadow!

B-Rad said...

I must be a ninja because I'm not wearing red today.....

Adrienne said...

crap! me neither. But i actually dont own any red clothing

Anonymous said...

pirates are soooo much cooler than ninjas...oh jodi you fool.

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