Saturday, November 04, 2006

Listen up Halmark!

So I've figured out a way to make millions of dollars. It came to me while standing in Walmart, walking up and down the aisles, staring at birthday cards and getting more and more aggrivated. I couldnt find any cards that I liked. So I said to myself, "Someone should inform Halmark that they need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend birthday card section. And they would have appropriate one for how long you have been together." The idea of this made me feel less stressed, until I realized that it was just another crazy dream and I still hadn't found the right card.

9 thoughts from other misfits:

Allison said...

you weren't in walmart last night.... i dont get it

Anonymous said...

i love the new template!

B-Rad said...

I also don't get it lol.

Adrienne said...

whats not too get? i was looking for a card, couldnt find one, and then came up with a great idea. duh

B-Rad said...

I thought they had a section like that already. I'm pretty sure they do at the pharmacy in Shoal Lake. Though I think the last time I bought a bday card was in like March or April and I wasn't looking for a bf/gf so maybe I'm just imagining this section.

B-Rad said...

Oh and how could you be looking for a bday card in Walmart if you weren't in Walmart lastnight?

Adrienne said...

so what if i wasnt in walmart last night? i was there on friday, and didnt get around to blogging about it till yesterday. i'm not sure what allison is trying to say

Allison said...

i thought that you were saying that you were in brandon yesterday... but i knew that you hadn't been

B-Rad said...

And suddenly it all makes sense!

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