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Featuring KUTLESS, AMANDA FALK & Others...
Concert in Winnipeg on Friday, September 29
7:00 PM at Calvary Temple
Do you have your tickets yet?!?
Click here to order yours now Or call 1.877.275.5383 to order on the phone.
Tickets also available at Blessings Christian Marketplace stores in Winnipeg.
$15.00 advance, $12.00 for groups of 15 or more (plus applicable service charges) and $20.00 at the door
We are just days away from the 3rd annual Great White North Supertour '06 coming to Western Canada September 20-30. Headlining this year is Kutless, with their brand new 4th album out this Spring "Hearts of the Innocent". With 3 previous hit albums, multiple #1 singles, bold lyrics and driving guitar- based music, they have garnered legions of fans across North America. Visit for more about this great band, who is calling this generation of believers to be strong and courageous.
The Great White North Supertour is also excited to bring The Silent hailing from New Brunswick, Winnipeg's Juno-award winning Amanda Falk, rapper Nifty from Toronto, and Vancouver's Friday's Cry to the stage. See for more details about them and links to their sites for a taste of their music. Sterr, based in Abbotsford will be joining the tour for Abbotsford and Kelowna, Traced Image from Alberta will be at Calgary, Edmonton and Grand Prairie, and Saskatchewan's own Stereotrap will be in Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg.
Here are this years dates and locations:
Wednesday, September 20 - Abbotsford, BC, Sevenoaks Alliance Church
Thursday, September 21 - Kelowna, BC, Willow Park Church
Friday, September 22 - Calgary, AB, Centre Street Church, Main Campus
Sunday, September 24 - Edmonton, AB, Sherwood Park Alliance Church (in Sherwood Park)
Monday, September 25 - Grande Prairie, AB Peoples Church
Wednesday, September 27 - Saskatoon, SK, Odeon Theatre
Friday, September 29 - Winnipeg, MB, Calvary Temple
Saturday, September 30 - Regina, SK, Western Christian College
*All shows are at 7:00 PM
Avante Records - a division of Family Life Network
I totally think we should all go. Or get the youth group to go. It would be pretty sweet. We never do anything awesome like this anymore. I'm going start planning stuff if the parents won't
Friday, September 29, 2006
why didn't i go?
*sigh* all the good and exciting stuff happens when I'm not at school. Today Strathclair Community School actually had a drug bust- ok so the police didnt come but Mr.Geekie checked lockers because kids were stoned. and one guy was sent home- after he puked all over the office floor. lol too funny. This never happens in small town manitoba. And Stevie-Steve was at school!! Why!! he's supposed to be in Alberta or BC!! And I missed him. that makes me really sad. I miss Travis too, he was a really funny guy. aww, this post is making me sad. I was gonna say, on the plus side...but i can't think of a plus side, oh life
Thursday, September 28, 2006
a waste of time
We have one bunny left, you can have it for a duck and a quarter...ok, so what i meant to say was we have one burger left. Allison added the duck part. Yeah, we just worked in the canteen for 5! hours at the volleyball tourny. That was hell. and now I have to listen to Deal or No Deal. It is the worst show ever. Its so annoying. ahh i need sleep. or drugs. no, i've had too many of them. calm down, its only advil. taken in doses. only two. or so. every six hours. or'm gone, buh-bye (can anyone tell me what song thats off of?)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
What's my motivation?
So I was listening to Newsboys today. They're pretty awesome and funny and british. I was going to say hot, but I've never seen them before. But they're voices sound hot so I'm gonna say that they are. So one line in one of their songs is " what's my motivation?" or it might be "what's your motivation?" but that doesn't matter. What matters is that it got me thinking about my motivation and what are we doing here? with our lives? well actually I don't really care right now what you're doing with your life, because I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Like everyone thinks I should know what I'm doing with my life and what I'm going to be. Others tell me that it doesn't matter right now. But if I don't figure out now, when will I? and what if I never know? what if I pick the wrong job and end up unhappy? what if? what if?...there's too many what ifs... I also got thinking about love and life in general. Most of you know how badly my love life is..going.. or not going.. whatev. I don't want to grow up, and have to worry about a buttload of crap. I wish I could see into the future so that I could know how things will work out and if they'll work out good.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Price is Right
"So," God asked Adam, "What's wrong with you already?"
Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. So God said that he would make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.
"What's a woman?" Adam wanted to know.
God said, "This lovely person will gather food for you and prepare it in wonderful ways, and when you discover clothing she'll wash those for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."
Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"
God replied, "An arm and a leg."
Adam thought for a moment and then asked, "What can I get for a rib?"
lol too funny. on a side note, go down and look at the stuff i added on the side. fun times
"So," God asked Adam, "What's wrong with you already?"
Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. So God said that he would make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.
"What's a woman?" Adam wanted to know.
God said, "This lovely person will gather food for you and prepare it in wonderful ways, and when you discover clothing she'll wash those for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."
Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"
God replied, "An arm and a leg."
Adam thought for a moment and then asked, "What can I get for a rib?"
lol too funny. on a side note, go down and look at the stuff i added on the side. fun times
Monday, September 25, 2006
The past couple days
So because Sexi and I went to camp for the weekend I ruined my almost perfect blogging streak. that makes me sad but whatev. We had a pretty awesome time. It wasn't really structured so we just hung out and talked alot. (i'm sorry if some words are spelt wrong or if sentences don't make sense, I haven't had much sleep in the past few days) So Jessica and Laura we're there. I haven't seen them since two summers ago. They are the awesomest girls ever. lol They're from Emerson. lol and the like to talk. a lot. And Sexi and I met Alyssa and Grace. lol Alyssa works at the movie theatre in Brandon. There were some hot guys too. lol Jesse was hot but he looked kinds metro. OMG Matt is the hottest guy ever. lol hmmm what else? There's not much else to say.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Say what?!?
Do your usual dinner converstations have to do with tombstones and dead people? No? Well ours do. For serious. It was the weirdest hour of my life. lol But before supper we making it (neat how that works, eh?) and all of a sudden Allison says, "Oh brother Obadiah!". Jodi and I just freeze and stare at her. Then Allison says, "I guess you never saw the movie. nevermind.". By this point Jodi and I are killing ourselves laughing. I still don't understand it. Have you heard the news? Someone says that someone from Strath is planning on asking me to be their escort. I'm not really sure if this is a good thing. Sure they guy is nice and all but I'm not really into him. and I can see that he really doesn't anyone else to ask. But, maybe someone else is going to ask me? lol just kidding. probably not. Ah! I don't want to be mean and say no for no reason. What to do? what to do?....
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
tonight we're having....plastic!?!?
All ya'll know how much I bug Allison because a lot of her cooking adventures didn't turn out really good. I do this because it's fun, and my cooking is usually half decent. But after tonight I think I have her beat for worst food. I was trying to make home-made mac and cheese. Everything was going fine until I realized that I made the cheese sauce waaay before the macaroni was done. At first I didn't think this was a problem. I thought wrong. I let it cook too long and the milk and cheese separated. Then the cheese turned into a silly putty type texture stuff. Jodi figured that we should just add it to the macaroni and hope for the best. We probably shouldn't have done that. It didn't mix. At all. lol so in the end we just picked the plastic cheese out and added a buttload of cheese slices. It didn't taste too bad though.
Song of my life
So I've always loved the song "Walking on Sunshine". But not the version by Ally and Aj or whoever else remade it. I mean the real, first one by Katrina and the Waves. They were a one hit wonder. But their hit sure was a gooder. I did this life theme song quiz, and this was the song I got. I know it probably doesn't seem like it fits me but it makes me feel absolutly happy. I love it. It makes me feel great and alive.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Cadbury Commercial
If a shark came up an tried to bite you, You’d say, "I’m chocolate, I invite you". Now, instead of reading that go back and sing it. To the tune of that Beach Boys song.umm..the one on 50 First did you do it? you should, it would be funny
Monday, September 18, 2006
For serious
So Kim and I are sick of guys who think that having more than one girl is ok. We've decided that guys aren't worth it. We are becoming lesbians. So congrats Russell and Devin, you just gave the world two more lesbians. lol just kidding
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Its just tears and rain
yeah that was my day yesterday, just tears and rain. Today's better except its still raining. But I only almost cried once because of a guy and his beautiful voice. John Mayer. I always loved this song called "Fathers, be good to your daughters" but I had no idea who sang it. And now I just stumbled upon and almost started crying because its so beautiful. or maybe because I'm an emotional wreck these days but whatever. And the song "Your body is a wonderland", he sings it too!!! he also sings this song called "Gravity" which I love but I can't get it to download. But yeah, I hate rain. It makes me feel sad, cold, lonely and depressed and hungry. lol none of these are good feelings.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
What do you think you're doing?!?!
Agriculture is seriously the best class. We had Dr. J today so Alycia and I just sat around and talk for 80 minutes. It was pretty awesome. We're not supposed to have our cell phones in class, but Alycia figured that since Dr. J is a sub he wouldn't care so she was texting someone. Then Justin...somebody-from-shoal-lake...Menzies?..yeah we'll go with Justin Menzies he came in and saw Alycia's phone and was like "Is that a camera phone?". Alycia, "Yup". Justin "Cool! Just like mine". Then he sits down in the desk behind Alycia's. I'm sitting in the desk across the ailse from Alycia. So I go back to talking to Alycia or Mrs. Findlay...whatever that doesn't matter. So I'm sitting there and all of a sudden I see a flash and I look up. And Justin has his phone/camera pointed at me!! I'm like, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?". But he just gets up and leave. I don't even know him, but he seems like a total freakshow. lol yeah thats my story of the day
Thursday, September 14, 2006
So I might be killing this topic but, does it look like I care?
Ok, so I've probably posted this topic 6 times but lets go for Lucky Number Sleven. lol no I've never seen that movie. Guys Are M-O-R-O-N-S. Period. That's basically it. He literally makes me want to bang my head on the wall out of frustration. I really have a strong urge to do it. or just scream. at the top of my lungs. But my parents might get scared. Would someone like to tell him how he's acting?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'm in love
Did that get your attention? lol but seriously I am. His name is James. He is so passionate. And I really understand him. I love the sound of his voice too. He has such a beautiful accent and he sings like a god. (er, bad use of words) He sings like an angel. Did I mention that I've never met him before? And that his last name is Blunt? I am just too funny. or tired. or both. But yeah, he's A-maz-ing. He really does have a beautiful voice. But his songs are all so moody. If you really listen to the words they're all about his ex-girlfriends, and friends leaving, and being in pain, and crying, and possibly about smoking and getting high, I'm not sure , and maybe even about war. He's just one crazy dude. lol I just called James Blunt a dude, and crazy. (incase you missed that part) lol (that was like a joke) oh no! I am going crazy...what's going on..on..on (breaks into song and dance) lol dumb song. But seriously someone save me and take me away, take me far away from here, I will run with you... (more singing and dancing) ooh too much singing and dancing. yes, I am a freakshow. but atleast I have fun. and I'm leaving now....I want some carrot cake
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
We should all go

Featuring KUTLESS, AMANDA FALK & Others...
Concert in Winnipeg on Friday, September 29
7:00 PM at Calvary Temple
Do you have your tickets yet?!?
Click here to order yours now Or call 1.877.275.5383 to order on the phone.
Tickets also available at Blessings Christian Marketplace stores in Winnipeg.
$15.00 advance, $12.00 for groups of 15 or more (plus applicable service charges) and $20.00 at the door
We are just days away from the 3rd annual Great White North Supertour '06 coming to Western Canada September 20-30. Headlining this year is Kutless, with their brand new 4th album out this Spring "Hearts of the Innocent". With 3 previous hit albums, multiple #1 singles, bold lyrics and driving guitar- based music, they have garnered legions of fans across North America. Visit for more about this great band, who is calling this generation of believers to be strong and courageous.
The Great White North Supertour is also excited to bring The Silent hailing from New Brunswick, Winnipeg's Juno-award winning Amanda Falk, rapper Nifty from Toronto, and Vancouver's Friday's Cry to the stage. See for more details about them and links to their sites for a taste of their music. Sterr, based in Abbotsford will be joining the tour for Abbotsford and Kelowna, Traced Image from Alberta will be at Calgary, Edmonton and Grand Prairie, and Saskatchewan's own Stereotrap will be in Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg.
Here are this years dates and locations:
Wednesday, September 20 - Abbotsford, BC, Sevenoaks Alliance Church
Thursday, September 21 - Kelowna, BC, Willow Park Church
Friday, September 22 - Calgary, AB, Centre Street Church, Main Campus
Sunday, September 24 - Edmonton, AB, Sherwood Park Alliance Church (in Sherwood Park)
Monday, September 25 - Grande Prairie, AB Peoples Church
Wednesday, September 27 - Saskatoon, SK, Odeon Theatre
Friday, September 29 - Winnipeg, MB, Calvary Temple
Saturday, September 30 - Regina, SK, Western Christian College
*All shows are at 7:00 PM
Avante Records - a division of Family Life Network
I totally think we should all go. Or get the youth group to go. It would be pretty sweet. We never do anything awesome like this anymore. I'm going start planning stuff if the parents won't
Monday, September 11, 2006
AAh! I'm no good with computers. If you haven't noticed, posting comments on my blog really wasnt working. thats because I was playing around with my settings and selecting "yes" when I really wanted "no" but I really had no idea what I was doing. lol sorry I'm also reeaallly bad at typing. Some day I should post without correcting it and see if you guys can still read it. hhmmmm you probably still could but it would be something to laugh at. and laughing is a good thing. lol see. now its your turn. lol if I wasnt me and didn't know me and I was reading this I would think that I was on drugs. but then if I wasn't me then I wouldn't be here to write it and then there would be nothing to read. wow could you guys imagine your lives without me? It just wouldn't be complete would it? would it? Thats what i thought. ahh ha ha i need sleep, or a life, or a guy or some somethin
Chicks before dicks
So anyone who ever watched one episode of Big Brother this summer knows that ChillTown's motto was "Bros before Hoes" well mine is now "Chicks before dicks". Sorry if anyone finds that offensive but I've had it up to here (hand is way above head) with the male species. Yup thats all. Nope I don't want to talk about it
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Real Mature Bradley
lol everyone should watch "Stickin' Around" if givin the chance. 'Tis a funny cartoon. Also, you can eat shaving gel, its not poisonous, just explosive. lol thanks Curtis. Wow I did absolutly nothing today. But there is some major PMS going around our house. lol It's kinda dangerous. lol oh boy I'm such a loser baby. yeah I'm bored. Somebody save me.... seriously....please
Friday, September 08, 2006
Joe's A Really Nice Guy! & Kevin Too!
Ok, everybody. I need y'all to get yourselves down to the Brandon Shopper's Mall. Pronto. Then walk on over to the Coles store. Are you there? Good. Now walk to about the middle of the store. It doesn't have to be accurate, just get inside the store. Now this is the most important part. Are you paying attention? Ok. Now, look up. Waaay up. But not too fast, you don't want to look crazy. lol Who can tell me what that is? If you can, you get a cake. lol yay! Another cake contest!
If anyone needs a job, Gulliver's is hiring all prostitutes. lol I misread the sign and saw "prostitutes" when it was "positions". My mom didn't find it too funny though. Walking around the mall with your mom on Friday night really isn't cool. My mom is way awesome, don't get me wrong. She bought us a phone and lets me get out of school to work with her. She also told me that some relationships just don't work and it probably isn't my fault. But being with your mom while there's a buttload of other teens with friends and significant others is kinda awkward. Just my thoughts of today. 'tis all
If anyone needs a job, Gulliver's is hiring all prostitutes. lol I misread the sign and saw "prostitutes" when it was "positions". My mom didn't find it too funny though. Walking around the mall with your mom on Friday night really isn't cool. My mom is way awesome, don't get me wrong. She bought us a phone and lets me get out of school to work with her. She also told me that some relationships just don't work and it probably isn't my fault. But being with your mom while there's a buttload of other teens with friends and significant others is kinda awkward. Just my thoughts of today. 'tis all
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Just read
Ok, I have something to say and if you have any questions don't ask me face-to-face leave them as a comment. Ok here goes. Hookups and rejection hurts. Bad. If any of you hookup with someone just for the fun of it and then hurt them, I will hurt you no matter who you are or who you hurt. Wow thats alot of hurt. lol but, no I'm serious. Its a horrible feeling. Most of you probably can't imagine what it feels's like a no no..aah there really is no way to explain it. Sorry, I've been left alone with my thoughts again.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Oh crap
So first day back to school today wasn't too bad. I get to take a class with Kimmy and Alycia though. lol Agriculture. But yeah, we were assigned a one page essay in ELA, on anything we want. I basically slept through the class and didn't do anything. Now it's 8:00 and I still haven't started it, I don't even know what to right about. So I'm failing already. Literally. But on the plus side, Ms.Issaac is starting an choir! Our school is becoming so artsy. Band, Jazz Band, Drama, Choir...What next? Dance? That would be awesome!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Don't try this at home
So, Allison and I had this great idea of trying a diet coke and mento rocket. We saw people doing it on YouTube and decided to try it. So we chewed up a mento and put it in the lid. Then we squished another mento into the chewed one. So far so good. Then we went to put the lid onto the bottle. While we were trying to screw it on one of the mentos fell into the diet coke. (that wasn't supposed to happen) When the mentos and diet coke are combined it explodes. and Sexi just happened to have to bottle of coke pointed at me. So now I'm covered in Diet coke. lol and I think Jodi got it on the camera. If she did I'll post it for you.
Wise words
Guys are dicks. and two faced. and liars. So I'm going to listen to the wisdom of my aunt's sister and become a lesbian. lol
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Speaking of my love life
ok ok. So no one said anything about my love life. But now that we're talking about it. lol just kidding. A love life? Me? Nope, we're never used in the same sentence. LaLaLaLaLa What was I going to say? Oh right. Ashley, I'm sorry... I didn't do it. But it's not really my fault. I never had the chance. LaLaLa yeah thats me singing. Holy crap I'm bored. Someone save me. Ever wonder what it feels like when you're on drugs? No, me neither. Nicole said that if she's ever on crack, she'll tell me. I guess that's a good thing. So yesterday we catered a wedding with our aunt and uncle. It was ok until we had to take the wine glasses away from the drunks. lol And there was a guy who was like 7 feet tall. and I ran into him. Sexi said that it looked like he hugged me. Oh, drunk guys. Then we went for pizza at midnight. and slept in till noon. and had waffles and coffee for breakfast. It was pretty awesome. I love food. and cds. and lipstick. and boys. and I love the randomness of this blog.
A new name for Adrienne?
I've just noticed now that Mike is one of few people that calls me Adrienne. Actually most guys just call me Adrienne, except for Timmy. I'm Adrianson or Aaadrieenne to him. lol most everyone else calls me Addy or Adge. Both of which I don't like at all. I'm saying it now, so you all know. So stop it. lol. I'm open to a new name. So post one. Now. It'll be like a contest. Winner gets a.............cake lol
Friday, September 01, 2006
I'm a retard
no seriously, I am. I completely take back what I said two posts ago. I'm an emotional freak right now. and I should never be left alone with my thoughts. They tend to wander and I overthink things and make them into big deals. Aah! I need to be amused or entertained all the time. If I'm ever just sitting there, not talking, possibly glaring at the wall, its your job as my friend to talk to me and make me forget what I was thinking about. Please, I'll owe you something if you do it. Maybe a cake? I hear I make good ones. lol
Drake? Who's Drake?
So yesterday I was talking to Mike for the first time since I saw him at camp. Wow that was fun (camp, not talking to Mike. lol). So all of a sudden he asked me how things worked out between me and Drake. I'm like, Drake? Who's Drake? And then it hit me! Drake! from camp! He was the awesomest kid ever. Fasier told all the kids to compliment Nathalie and I. But Drake kept on doing it for most of the week. He had these big, Cat-in-the-hat eyes. Aww. But he kept trying to hook me and Mike up even though we told him that we're just friends and Mike has a girlfriend. lol It was funny though. Yeah, Drake's a foster kid and he was there with his brother, Blair who's black but Drake is white. (no, I don't understand it) And now Mike's gonna bug me about him all the time, since I posted about him.
No not me. I'm far from perfect, but life is pretty swell right now. It really is close to perfect. And this?..this is just me.
It's the crazy ramblings from my brain, stuff I can't hold on to anymore. Stuff that I need to share, or just let go of.
It's the crazy ramblings from my brain, stuff I can't hold on to anymore. Stuff that I need to share, or just let go of.
About Me
Blog Archive
- why didn't i go?
- a waste of time
- What's my motivation?
- lol.
- The past couple days
- Say what?!?
- tonight we're having....plastic!?!?
- Song of my life
- Cadbury Commercial
- For serious
- Its just tears and rain
- Would you rather....
- What do you think you're doing?!?!
- So I might be killing this topic but, does it look...
- I'm in love
- We should all go
- Oops
- Chicks before dicks
- Real Mature Bradley
- Joe's A Really Nice Guy! & Kevin Too!
- Just read
- Oh crap
- Don't try this at home
- Wise words
- Speaking of my love life
- A new name for Adrienne?
- I'm a retard
- Drake? Who's Drake?