Friday, September 08, 2006

Joe's A Really Nice Guy! & Kevin Too!

Ok, everybody. I need y'all to get yourselves down to the Brandon Shopper's Mall. Pronto. Then walk on over to the Coles store. Are you there? Good. Now walk to about the middle of the store. It doesn't have to be accurate, just get inside the store. Now this is the most important part. Are you paying attention? Ok. Now, look up. Waaay up. But not too fast, you don't want to look crazy. lol Who can tell me what that is? If you can, you get a cake. lol yay! Another cake contest!
If anyone needs a job, Gulliver's is hiring all prostitutes. lol I misread the sign and saw "prostitutes" when it was "positions". My mom didn't find it too funny though. Walking around the mall with your mom on Friday night really isn't cool. My mom is way awesome, don't get me wrong. She bought us a phone and lets me get out of school to work with her. She also told me that some relationships just don't work and it probably isn't my fault. But being with your mom while there's a buttload of other teens with friends and significant others is kinda awkward. Just my thoughts of today. 'tis all

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