Sunday, September 17, 2006

Its just tears and rain

yeah that was my day yesterday, just tears and rain. Today's better except its still raining. But I only almost cried once because of a guy and his beautiful voice. John Mayer. I always loved this song called "Fathers, be good to your daughters" but I had no idea who sang it. And now I just stumbled upon and almost started crying because its so beautiful. or maybe because I'm an emotional wreck these days but whatever. And the song "Your body is a wonderland", he sings it too!!! he also sings this song called "Gravity" which I love but I can't get it to download. But yeah, I hate rain. It makes me feel sad, cold, lonely and depressed and hungry. lol none of these are good feelings.

2 thoughts from other misfits:

Anonymous said...

adge? i don't uderstand but hey cheer up listen to the song i can see clearly now or something like that


Adrienne said...

lol ok. No its ok I do forgive.

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