Monday, September 11, 2006


AAh! I'm no good with computers. If you haven't noticed, posting comments on my blog really wasnt working. thats because I was playing around with my settings and selecting "yes" when I really wanted "no" but I really had no idea what I was doing. lol sorry I'm also reeaallly bad at typing. Some day I should post without correcting it and see if you guys can still read it. hhmmmm you probably still could but it would be something to laugh at. and laughing is a good thing. lol see. now its your turn. lol if I wasnt me and didn't know me and I was reading this I would think that I was on drugs. but then if I wasn't me then I wouldn't be here to write it and then there would be nothing to read. wow could you guys imagine your lives without me? It just wouldn't be complete would it? would it? Thats what i thought. ahh ha ha i need sleep, or a life, or a guy or some somethin

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