Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where did this come from?

Food is so unnecessary.

Its nutrients that our bodies need, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins.
Not food per se, but nutrients.
Food has become such an obsession with our times. An addiction. Its gluttonous
Just give us what we need in capsules and lets move on with our lives. It would save so much time.

Get rid of this food=art crap that's going on.
People shouldn't be so worried about what they're going to put in they're mouths.

And if you can't give us nutrient rich, food replacing capsules lets cut out the crap and go back to the basics.

No more ridiculously priced, 2 bite, 6'' tall sculpture of "food". That's not food, that's a rat race to do better than the last guy.

Get rid of the processed, frozen, deep fried, ready-in-5-minutes (or less) garbage, that so many people consider "food". Nothing about that is nutritious.

Give me a plate with a meat (real meat, not some soy based meat alternative), starch, and fresh vegetables.

The healthy stuff. Simple stuff.
Not dressed up with a crazy sauce or intricate garnish.

Sure, for most people a large part of the eating experience is visual. If its look good, looks interesting the more they'll like it.
But not me. I just want my nourishment without the bells and whistles.
I don't care what it looks like. As soon as the delicious smell wafts up to my nose it triggers a memory in my brain. Of another time when I had this or something like this. and I know it was good.

Eating is a part of life. A small part that is necessary. But so many people have started to idolize it, and it's disgusting.

You should be eating to live, not living to eat.

0 thoughts from other misfits:

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