Friday, September 29, 2006

why didn't i go?

*sigh* all the good and exciting stuff happens when I'm not at school. Today Strathclair Community School actually had a drug bust- ok so the police didnt come but Mr.Geekie checked lockers because kids were stoned. and one guy was sent home- after he puked all over the office floor. lol too funny. This never happens in small town manitoba. And Stevie-Steve was at school!! Why!! he's supposed to be in Alberta or BC!! And I missed him. that makes me really sad. I miss Travis too, he was a really funny guy. aww, this post is making me sad. I was gonna say, on the plus side...but i can't think of a plus side, oh life

9 thoughts from other misfits:

Allison said...

aww Stevie-steve!!!! wtf mate, why was he in strath?

Adrienne said...

i don't know!! he shouldn't be though!!

Adrienne said...

lol its steven, like marika's bother steven

jannafaye said...

a drug bust? crazy!

katryn said...


Adrienne said...

lol i don't know. i wasn't at school

Michele said...

... no big deal about them being stoned... they're always stoned... and thats not even what they got busted for... Caleb was drunk... so it wasn't even a drug bust... yeah they were getting drunk at noon and then Caleb came into the school and they could tell he was drunk by the way he was acting... no big deal... same thing has happened before

B-Rad said...

I've have had people show up to cadorks stoned or something. Either drugs or gasoline. It's sorta annoying because they won't get in trouble for it but w/e.

Adrienne said...

aww now i feel like a retard. jodi should really get her stories straight

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